
Showing posts from March, 2017


What are codes and conventions? Codes and conventions and the predictable  and familiar forms and techniques used by media to communicate certain ideas or convey a desired impression In order to understand how codes are used, it is important to understand the signs systems and their conventions or rules. The reading of signs is therefore essential in analysis and this way of interpreting the signs is called semiotics and is applied to reading visual imagery. Signs can offer denotations and connotations to the audience. Conventions our generally established ways of doing something. They are an unspoken rule that we have learnt to accept and identify. Conventions become so familiar and natural that they become something that as audiences, we expect to see. They can be used, supported or reiterated as well as subverted. Different conventions can be applied to different media concepts such as narrative and genre.  Both codes and conventions are used to c...


When we first set out our website and started to add features in we got some feedback from other pupils and our target audience to see what they thought of it so far. From the feedback we received people felt it was easy to use, and go to different tabs on the website which is a positive thing. However, we knew we needed to make improvements as it wasn't complete. The majority of people said it lacked pictures and that we should add a picture gallery, and more merchandise and colour on to the website in which we did so after receiving this feedback.


After developing our digipak even further we got feedback on our most updated version of it. The majority of the feedback all indicated that the two different colours used on it was a bad idea and needed changing. However, they all liked the pictures chosen and used were effective and positive for the audience. After this feedback we decided to keep the photos we were using as people liked those, however we would change the colour of it and stick to one of them.  This actually led to the digipak looking more organic and helped represent our band as organic even more. It was said that the track list was wonky and therefore we adjusted it to be straight and arranged perfectly next to each other. This resulted in the digipak looking more professional.




We posted the music video onto Facebook where each of the members had over 1000 friends so that it reached a number of people. Furthermore we put it on our website so that fans could access the video and give feedback