Escape scene review:

This scene from the film hanna is filled with drama, action and lots of great sounds and camera shots.
during the opening part where hanna starts her escape mission, close ups of her face are used to detail the blood squirts from her victims she has killed which shows ruthlessness and how strong and tough she is as person. further more a close up of the gun shows us that this item plays a key role in her escape and a medium wide shot shows us the massacre she has created in killing all these security guards.As this scene is going on, music is used to entice the audience which gives enhances the term "action" film. The way the beat drops in the music relates to her foot steps and her actions during her escape.
The way in which the camera follows her through her escape shows that she is in control and that we are following her and she is protecting us.
Throughout the film the mise en scene is used in a way to enhance the experience for the audience to feel like there in a maximum security prison, plus the clothing and the whole mood surround the area.
While running many shots are used to give many perspectives of Hanna herself. The first being a low shot looking from the feet up to show authority. The next being a wide to shot showing her being small in a huge prison showing the extent of task in trying to escape and finally a close up shot of her face which presents the fear she shows in being caught and her determination to escape.
Moving the end of the scene a close of hanna swirling round  very fast is a connection to how crazy and mentally disturbed she is as a child.Finally when she opens the hatch to escape the bright shining of light represents the light at the end of the tunnel and her pathway to freedom


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