Usual suspects 5-minute review

Mr Keaton is interrogated at the restaurant and shown most on screen in the opening five minutes, this could symbolise how vulnerable he is and how dangerous he could be. However Mr Keaton could be known as one of the calm culprits of the crime committed which may of meant that the police didn’t need to take dramatic action in arresting Mr Keaton knowing he was defenceless at the time.
In five minutes of usual suspects we learned quite a few things from each of the characters. The first count to be Mr Keaton shows that he is quite an upper-class man and likes to dine in expensive restaurants. This may symbolise he doesn’t have much to do with the actual crime committed but more the financial side or the brains behind the job. Powder is Mr McManus who seems to be one of the most dangerous people in the whole of usual suspects. This is because when the police arrive at is flat there; a SWAT team is there for precaution as well as heavy armour taking no risk knowing that he is very dangerous. Also we get an understanding that Mr McManus is not unknown to the police and has come across the many times. Another character is verbal Clint who is slightly backwards and constantly speaks hence the name verbal. We don’t get much sense of his personality but he must be quite clever to pull off quite a difficult job.
Fenster, A true south American and seems to be a leader of the gang, who is cool calm and slick.  Finally Hockney doesn’t really give much away about his characteristics in the first five minutes of the film but we know he plays a key role in the crime committed due to the fact that the police bring guns and aim at him in case of the worst happening being a shootout
Mysterious music introduces the first antagonist, after the shooting the music becomes less sinister. The music when arresting a businessman change the class he liked calm music indicating that this man may not be so dangerous maybe just caught up in the act.

In the film I think that will show a story about six Raleigh must come together to pull off a job to gain lots of money


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