Prelim task

For our prelim task we filmed in an open space where the lockers bare situated which made the plot seem more realistic and effective. I think the filming went well due to having a well behaved and mature of group. The role I played in the filming was filming the medium close to close shots of the scene as well. I also dictated when ACTION!!!  Was needed to guide my groups to the perfect timing

The lighting in the open fit the scene perfectly as it complimented the quietness of the struggle when trying to open the locker. However there were elements where the lighting worked perfectly in setting the scene and creating tension and the power difference between the two characters, meaning the male character trying to open the locker struggles for power over the character feeding him with pressure

Before filming, my group and I were quick to set up the camera however we struggled when it came to adjusting the angle of the tripod to film the different shots, but after a while we go used to it and were able to set it up without any hassle in later times. We took plenty of shots from all different angles so there was a lot to work with when it came to editing plus from a directors point of view, it would mean that if anything deleted there is a backup. We used high/low angle shots to show authority and who had the most power and who was inferior. From this it was able to identify who the bad/good character was which. We were given a storyboard which we filmed using a range of different shot such as wide shot, over the shoulder shot, close up shots of actors, high/low angle shots and a close shot of the door opening. This meant that when we edited the clip we had a vary of different shots.

During the filming of my preliminary I  learnt many filming techniques which have opened my eyes further when i watch films and i am able to identify the techniques during the movies I watch. Meanwhile during the editing it did take a lot of trial and error to understand how the première pro tools work but after a while I felt comfortable and was now editing like a pro using the cuts and razor tools to perfect our prelim. Overall I am very pleased with the overall finished product



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