Account of Shoot day 3: 

We decided that the next section of our music video which needed to be filmed would be filmed in one of our band members house in all different rooms as well as, in the boot of his car and on his road. This would demonstrate the band members living as normal people which adds to the authenticity of their image, so you can sell them as being more organic.  The reason we believed this was because this is something the audience approve of due to the research and feedback that we gathered from out target audience. We went on the weekend in the morning so we were able to ilm outside in the bright light. 

The first thing we did as a group was bring all the instruments into the garage and work out what we were filming first and when. Once everyone was set up and ready to go we first filmed in the boot of the car. We did this just to show the audience that artists are still practising and they are close as a group on the weekend and in their spare time they rehearse no matter where they are. After this, we went in side and filmed all of Katie's shot and every shot with her involved as she needed to leave due to having a busy schedule.  These shots included  getting out of bed with her boy friend (Sam our lead singer) and her getting ready for her day ahead. Once Katie left, we had to film all the other shots so we could finish our filming and begin our editing of the video. We filmed a variety of different shots, close ups, wide shots, medium close ups, over the shoulder and tracking shots. Furthermore, we filmed and got a really good variety of shots including our band members, getting ready for their day and getting dressed and also playing FIFA together representing they are  normal boys hanging out. Finally, we filmed Sam walking down the road singing to add an effect. 

My Contribution towards the filming aspect was helping our main camera man Josh Spivack perfecting the angles in order to capture the best shots. Furthermore i was also a member of the band meaning i was included in a number shots giving my feedback weather to move on or re shoot to get the best out the shot

Filming these shots on this day was not a problem at all. This was because, we all worked together as a team incredibly well in which made it a smoother, quicker and easier experience for us as a group. On top of working as a team, we used are experience from last year to use the camera to its full use as well as exploring different camera shots. We decided to go through the entire song from many different angles and a variety of shots over and over again. We thoughts this would be very useful and effective so when it comes to editing our music video we have many different shots from different angles and sections from the song which will enable us to choose the best shots which fit the lyrics or which suits our style. 


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