Since our original idea was formed, over time we have made many a number of significant changes due to a number of reasons.

1. We changed our male drummer Freddy Kramer to Female Katie Fisch which changed the whole dynamic of the group. This Gave us a a fresh load of Ideas
2. we changed the story of the video to two of the band members having a relationship while the other is a great friend
3. We were unable to film the band in the a field as group or get a shot of the lead singer laying on the floor as it is merely impossible to transport the camera to the field as it contained thick wet mud on a rainy dad making the situation very hard.
4. As a group we made the decision to cut the individual scenes of eating breakfast and closing the front door as we altered the story to the band members being all in 1 house and the eating scene would become to long winded and slightly boring.
5. The addition of time lapses was also  great idea as it broke up the story during instrumental stages of the song
6. The final change that we made as a group was to make the film black and white as it gave the video a more homemade/authentic look. The rustic approach also connects to the young band performing in a way that our first music video will be a reflection of the group being young and not perfect but getting there.
