During our shoot days we film over 300 individual clips, some useful and some not but the most challenging thing was going through each clip and working out which ones to keep and discard which took and awful amount of time, this however made sure we had the best footage available  to put into video and make it the best we could, we did however keep some clips that were similar and at the highest quality possible to compare how they fitted in with the rest of the clips either side of it. Finally we did take extra shots for our film but those parts never the cut as we realised the film would become long winded and slightly boring for the viewer. However i did include some timelapses  which i shot on my Mobile device to add some effect to our project.

As a group we also came to a conclusion that it was better that we made the whole video black and white which meant researching and understanding how to adjust our clips normal to black and white. To make the shot black and white throughout the editing process, we used the effect Tint which took away the colour from every clip. 
on the simple cutting or speeding up process was used and little special effects needed demonstrating a real organic feel

1. Go through every clip and get rid of the rubbish and keep all the good parts we could use as clips
2. find footage of girls queuing up to see a band but a band less well known at a small venue

3. while the instrumental introduction went on we decided to cut between the band setting up through a time-lapse and clips of the girls queuing 
4. I then tackled the start which was lining up the close shot with the lyrics making sure they were perfectly time

5. The next task to complete was just adding in the shot we had already cut up to the chorus part which was madd up of many quick cuts from different angles to give a different perspective and keep the video interesting


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