We made sure that we were extremely prepared for this shoot day and to do this we had a pre prepared a shot by shot list that we were going to follow. We set up the equipment during lunch so that we could maximise our time after school and not wasting time setting up. While we were setting up we videoed the whole thing using two separate cameras so that we will edit in at the beginning of our music video. We feel this would be a good idea as shows the audience what we are like behind the scenes giving the fans a closer relationship with the band. We set up the drums in the middle of the stage with the lead singer slightly ahead with the guitarist on the right of our main singer. We also used this time to get pictures of all band members for our website and album cover.

When our official recordings started; after school, for our music video we began with close ups for our band members, beginning with close ups of the lead singer from different angles, and then going onto the drummer where we also did close ups of different angles like close up of the drums getting banged as well as him stomping on the foot drum. The guitarists close ups we did were, him playing with the strings, his feet moving around to show how our band is active and moves around a lot on the stage. Once we done all of those shots we then decided it would be a good idea to go through the song multiple times and have wide shots from a few different angles. Due to us having two cameras it took a lot less time than anticipated so we were able to have more shots to choose from when editing our music video over the weekend and next week.

We decided to go to the top of the theatre and put a camera up there and film from the top to get the highest possible shot we could looking down at the bands live performance. We felt this was a good idea because it meant in the music video the fans are able to see the entire stage and can get a good view of everything that goes on onstage. We did these high shots from multiple angles to make sure that when we had all our footage together to begin editing, we didn't regret not doing enough shots for our music video. It is crucial that we had an overhaul of shots and we made sure of this throughout filming as we did nit want to out ourselves in a situation where we had to go back and film again due to not enough shots for our entire music video.

I believe the the filming day was a complete success due to managing to get all the shots we wanted in the few hours we had available for us. As stated before this was crucial as meant that when editing we had a range of different shots to choose from and were not short of shots to the point where we may have had to to a reshoot. We managed to get through it due to a lot of teamwork as we had to help each other and correct each other when something needed changing to enhance the final product of our music video for our band. We our all very happy with it and need to turn our main focus  now to editing to make this music video the best we can to excite current fans and bring in new fans from it.


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