Change of actors: 

On our first day of shooting, one of our actors in the band who was our lead guitarist was not available to perform on this day. Therefore, we then decided to use another person to act in our band as we needed to start filming on this day. We then decided that using a girl would be a perfect replacement for the band. The idea came from thinking of other bands and the first thought that came to my mind were 'The White Stripes'. This was an American band made up of two members one being the lead singer and guitarist who was a male and a female on the drums. They had a very organic and rare star image - firstly as a stereotypical rock band including more than two members and mainly full of males. As well as this, they were always specific in which they wore during live performances. They would only wear red, black or white clothing.

Another band similar to ours are 'Paramore'. The band members are all wearing different clothes and are stood together. We can see their band's star image as a rock band due to the female band member's dyed hair. This is the same as ours as we are using a female in our band who is the drummer.
