A tittle sequence must include the following things:
Straight into the film
. The name of the film
. An understanding of the tone/atmosphere of the film
. Narrative infomation
. Introdice some/all the charcters
. A sense of the film genre
. Actors names
. Establish the location
The discrete tittle sequence
Its like a mini film before the film and helps to get the audience in the mood of the film but not tell you what the film is about. It can give you an ida of the tone and the genre of the movie. A discrete opening sequence also is often animated and includeds a lot of editing work
In this type if tittle sequence, films use sound and font to create the mood of the film. In a tradtional tittle sequence the credits will start at the beggining of the film and at the same time we see the action for example the movie Drive
Straight into the film
A film that goes straight into the story and doesnt have an extra tittle sequence
There are no tittles at all and tbe film starts directly with the action of the opening scene
The type of tittle sequence is farless common place and is more likely to be seen in action or horror movies
The stylised opening seqence
A stylised tittle seqence is a combination of straight into it and discrete. The opening of the films starts straigjt into the action and then followed by a discrete seqence
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